Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dinosaur mug

I'm sitting in my old room drinking coffee out of a mug I bought 3 and a half years ago and it is so oddly comforting. The breeze is coming in and rolling over my skin leaving behind fresh goosebumps. It feels good, and reminds me off all the autumn days that I sat here drinking 6 or 7 cups of tea and just writing, writing, writing. I like feeling that way again, I feel independent and that I can be okay by myself, I have no thoughts about anything else or than what I am doing right now. It's as if my mind has been wiped clean and I can just focus on the sound of my own inhaling, exhaling, sipping, repeat. Out of the corner of my eye I see an old picture of me on the beach and I close my eyes and imagine I'm there, just for a second. I feel so calm and I can almost feel the sand pooling around my toes. I let my mind wander more and I wake up in the sand feeling as if everything is in it's right place.

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